Saturday, July 12, 2008

Garage sales and Angels...

I stopped at a few garage sales this week-end and came home with an armful of books. I am a garage sale NUT! I don't know that I like buying other peoples cast offs as much as I like rummaging through other people's lives. I can be so nosy. I was saying... books.

I think that you can tell a lot about people when you see the books they've read and the movies they've watched. The varied items set out on tables and blankets on the lawn speak volumes about the lives that have been lived by the people that either carefully placed their belongings for display... or just tossed them out to be rummaged through. I have a great time striking up conversations with the temporary "shop owners" selling their wares. I love to ask questions and sort through their responses. Nosy, remember?

Anyway... as I was saying... books.

I was drawn to some "Life After Death Experience" and other semi-religious or spiritual writings. I usually pick up motivational books, self help books, biographies, murder mysteries, a recommended novel, and children's books....I have a special affinity for children's books. I'm not interested in paperback love novels, text books, cook books, craft books - ie: Flower Arranging, How to make Window Boxes from Rusty Pots, How to Make Hats out of Old Kitchen Curtains and Empty Toilet Paper Rolls, and other do it yourself books.

I read one of the "Life After Death" books this afternoon while laying in the hammock and sipping a tall glass of iced tea. It got me thinking, and I guess I'd like to know what some of you think about angels, the spirit world, an after life...
and what you feel is your purpose here. What legacy do you want to leave behind?
I'm deeply rooted in my religious upbringing... but, I'd love to believe that Fairies really exist. I don't believe in re-incarnation... but facets of it seem so logical to me. I beleive in guardian angels and answers to prayer. I also believe in serendipity. Anyway, if anyone out there has an opinion, a thought, or some insight... Please share it.

For once... I'd so much rather listen than talk.


Great Grandma Lin said...

hurrah you are back after a loooong, much too loooong absence. been reading your comments on others blogs and wondering when you would write on your own again and here you are....well think you know how i feel about angels etc. although i'm been toying with making a serious study of writing of church leaders about angels because i feel they are very near and that we do have guardian angels watching over us, probably our grandmothers...

Anonymous said...

I love garage sales also. Most of my books come from used book stores or garage sales.

I'm fascinated with the paranormal. Would love to be a ghost hunter. I was brought up Catholic, but I don't feel comfortable with any traditional religion. I do believe in God and the power of prayer though. Don't know about guardian angels or re-incarnation. But I'm open to them. I WANT to believe in both!

Thanks for visiting my site. Have a good week!

Linda Reeder said...

You have been visiting my site and leaving lovely comments. Thank you! I love your style of writing.
I am probably what is called a secular humanist. As to a god, I am an agnostic. I don't know. I don't really "believe" in anything that I don't factually know. That doesn't mean it isn't possible, but I don't know it and I don't seem to need it. I grew up in an evangelical church, but I saw so much mean spiritedness in those so called Christians, and still often do. They seem to forget the life and teachings of Jesus.
I think people choose what they believe based on whatever need they have. The problem then is that they often come to think only their way is right and everyone else is wrong. That would leave very few people in heaven!
I think our purpose is to make something of the life we have here on earth. If there is something else, we'll all find out some day. But even if there isn't, we will have led a purposeful life while we had "life".
This may be more than you wanted to know. I know it was for my dear mother, but like you, she asked....

Kay said...

Hi Mom/Caryn, thanks so much for visiting my blog. I love it because it led me to yours. I love your writing. I'll add you to my list so I can remember to come back. I'm terrible about remembering. Sigh...
I do love rummage/garage/house sales! I thought I was going to miss them here in Hawaii but what do you know? They have them here, too. My daughter and granddaughter are coming in a week and we don't have anything here in our Hawaii home. So we thought we'd run out and get some at a garage sale. WOW! I got a ton of toys and 9 board books. I'm so happy! Like I said, I LOVE garage sales. I hope I can get back to Illinois in May for the Winnetka Rummage Sale if I can. That's a spectacular sale! OK... never mind, I'm getting carried away here.

After life? Yes, I do believe in it. I had to smile when I read Linda Reeder's comment. I do feel as she does.

Rambling Woods said...

Again I say..Wow can write!!! Religion and politics can lead to some nasty discussions, but this is perfectly lovely!

I respect a person's belief system and try to learn more about it. But the intolerance and "I'm the only right one" don't sit well with me and I tend to stick my fingers in my ears and hum when I hear it.... Other than and let live is my motto

Chandi said...

You asked what do we feel our purpose is here or what do we want to accomplish. I feel that the purpose of this life it to learn and to love. To DO good and to BE good. I believe in an afterlife, and even though I don't know exactly what it will be like. I do believe that my efforts in this life will effect my life in the next. I believe in angels, but I don't believe in ghosts. I believe in God and in miracles. I believe that God wants ut to be happy and to succeed in this life so we can come home to live again with him.

Jo, a retired teacher said...

Thank you for the comments on my blog. I always appreciate it when people take the time to stop by. I guess blogging is like a written garage sale--people stop by to look, occasionally taking something of yours away or leaving a tidbit of fun or information you can use. If you don't have what someone is looking for, they may pass by until they find a blog that suits their wishes or needs.

I think it's a fair comparison.

Jaclyn B. said...

You share the same religious beliefs that I do, so you know most of what I believe. As for purpose and what to accomplish, I would ditto what Chandi said, to learn, to love, to be loved, to try to do good. I would add to experience, to grow, to contribute, to absorb, to listen, and to act.
Angels, definetly.
Satan, definetly.

On a different note, I too am a lover of garage sales (I really want a license plate holder that says "I brake for garage sales.")I got it from my mother who I believe got it from YOU! So thanks for passing on your fun hobby!

Anonymous said...

You can tell a lot about people by not only the books they read, but if they read at all. I'm always drawn to people who read, even if we read different things, mainly because I know they like to think a lot.

I've given some thought to reincarnation, and this may sound ludicrous, but I think unborn babies who never made it, through abortion or miscarriage, are born again to another body and with varying ranges of trauma. I think this because of how much more wise babies are than adults, with so many more memories and these particular babies would have felt so much loss and pain to lose their selves as they were just getting started...I wonder how it affects their personality later on. If it alters their lives later on as adults, in negative or positive ways, and how the Lord selects a mother for these spirits.