Tuesday, January 22, 2008

7 wierd things about me??? let me think.....

1. I love peanut butter and dill pickle sandwiches, cold peas with mayonaise, and a cake my mother made from mashed pinto beans.

2. I love toe socks... if I had my way, I'd wear them to church all winter... Okay, truth of it is, I have worn them to church several times.

3. I prefer to sleep sideways on the bed. Not just my bed... any bed, anywhere.

4. I like asking semi personal questions of total strangers. I'm always amazed at how anxious people seem to be to have a willing listener.

mmmmmmmmm..... I'm running out of wierdness, here.

5. I like my apple pie warm, and served with a slice of cheese and a dollop of peanut butter.

6. It bugs me when Wayne drinks something cold from a mug. I mean it really bugs me. Mugs are for HOT drinks... GLASSES are for cold drinks. Why would any reasonable person care about this? And yet, I do.

7. I've watched "Dirty Dancing" over 40 times and would watch it again this afternoon if I could get our V.C.R. to work. I know it's a poorly written, poorly acted movie with a terrible moral message. But, I can't seem to help myself.

Tha-tha-tha-that's all Folks...
I don't know enough addresses to do whatever else it was you told me to do, Chandi.


Chandi said...

Okay so I knew all of these things except the mashed pinto bean cake. That really sounds gross. Also, I knew you loved peanut butter, but I don't remember you ever eating it with apple pie. I have seen you eat plain apples with pb though so I guess it's not a far leap to the pie.

Did you see that Tessa is blogging now?

Jade said...

I have one for you, how bout the fact that you can't keep your bra on. And that you have actually left it in many public places including a movie theater.... I think I could come up with some more for you :)

Jade said...

PS I think you should post some of your amazing pictures! You've got a talent, show it off!