Well, the boys packed up the car and left about an hour ago. I stood in the driveway as they drove away and felt a little emptiness creep over me. The house always seems like it's missing something for a day or two after the children visit. It isn't the house that's missing something, I know. It's me. I miss their laughter and teasing and digging through the kitchen cupboards for something more to eat.
It was a good time. We had meatloaf sandwiches today. I don't know why I don't make meatloaf more often... I love it. Well, I do too know why. I've been leaning away from meats and towards a more natural, vegetarian diet for a while now.
But, they were might tasty! The guys went for walks and to the B.Y.U. game. We all discussed the results of the South Carolina primary, and the close Florida race between McCain and Romney. Whoa! Dustin is a little crazy when it comes to politics! He's sort of an uneven and ever shifting blend of Bill O'Reilly, Glen Beck and Michael Savage. It was interesting and I think we all stretched our minds and opened them to each others opinions. I like discussions where a free exchange of differing thoughts are explored. I get so bored when conversations consist of one person talking while the other sits and listens, bobble heading to everything said. It shows, to quote my dad, "A lack of spirit only to be admired in sheep". I like that all of my children are confident enough to express themselves and speak up when they're in disagreement with what's being said, and/or done.
Dallin mostly listened to us talk... at least when we weren't listening to him snore. He always sort of melts onto the couch and slips into some twilight space between consciousness and unconsciousness when he's here. (That's with a heavy leaning toward the unconscious side)
I love this!!... the feather touch of the evening sunbeams have just crept into the room. The scene through the upstairs window is breathtaking. It snowed earlier in the day (actually, just as my sons were driving across the bridge). It was one of those soft as soap bubble snows. Now, as the sun hits the trees in the grove, each delicate branch has the appearance of being adorned with diamond earrings. I need to stop and take a few minutes to let it soak into my memory.
That was nice! It's been overcast most of the day with dismal, drifting clouds, persistanty sheltering the sun from view. I remember when I moved to Sanpete County, I was told that, on average, the sun shone 360 days of the year. I sputtered, snorted and scoffed. Who was going to believe that Chamber of Commerce hype? But, you know what? I paid attention over the last two years and it's been true! Granted, it doesn't shine ALL day. But, it shines for a portion of almost EVERY day.
Well, I need to go find a book that a good friend gave to me when we left New Harmony. Shortly after reading it, I put it someplace for safekeeping. Unfortunately, for the life of me, I can't seem to remember where I was keeping it safely. Where, oh where could it be? I'm sure my children will stumble across it while packing my belongings for my move into assisted living. I can't understand how I can lose things in this tiny cabin. There just aren't that many places to hide. I'll sleep on it tonight and look again in the morning. There's an Arabic expression, "Bukra, inshallah". It means, Tomorrow, God willing". Seems appropriate, here.
I don't know how long it will be before I write again. I'm leaving for Chandi and John's Wednesday to watch their crew of munchkins while they sit poolside, and partake of the goodie laden tables, on a cruise. I'll take my laptop and hope I can keep it functioning. I have a few things stiring in my real estate pot that I need to keep an eye on. And, if I break this habit... I may not pick up the pieces and put it back together again.
All is well, here....