Friday, January 2, 2009

Gooseberry Evenings

Wayne loves pie. As a matter of fact, when we were dating, one of the lil white promises I made was that I would bake him a pie twice a week. I haven't done that. Now let me explain... I did try to in the early stages of our marriage. I remember baking rhubard pies and cherry pies and gooseberry pies and lemon cream cheese pies.
My fillings were always quite good. My crust however, well... that's a sad, sad tale. One gooseberry pie evening, I served him a slice of steaming dessert with all of the love a young wife has in her heart...and a dollop of whipped cream. It looked delectable! He took a bite, chewed slowly, swallowed as if he had a lump of coal stuck in his throat and tenderly said, "That's okay. My mom couldn't make pies either". He meant well but it sort of took the magic out of my cullinary offering. My crust was a gelatinous muck. Saints be praised for Marie Callender and Sara Lee.

I've always been a donut, sticky bun girl myself. I haven't jumped on the "Krispy Cream" bandwagon, however. Hot, I think they're doughy, and at any temperature, I find them too sweet. I would probably rather eat a bag full of those than experience the thick shaving cream consistency of my pie crust though.

I have absolutely no reason for telling you any of this. Perhaps I thought it would serve as an introduction to the topic for today. Truth be told... it makes a terrible introduction... a poor use of a cyber page.

You may wonder what the topic on my mind is this morning. Well, okay... it is pie.
P.I.E. The use of the PIE principle in making decisions. I thought the first of the year would be a good time to bring this up. We're all going to have to face lots of choices in 2009, and I've found the PIE principle to be helpful when I have a choice before me.

P - pursuade
I - Invite
E - entice

On a religious note... anything that Pursuades, Invites or Entices us to grow closer to God is a wise decision that comes from a place of righteousness. Anything that doesn't, should probably be reconsidered.

On a social note... anything that Pursuades, Invites or Entices us to be kind, to take another's feelings into the equasion, to do somethihg for the good of others is a good choice that will result in deepening relationships. Anything that doesn't is most likely going to lead to some heartache or hard feelings.

On a business level... anything that Pursuades, Invites or Entices us to spend our hours doing something that developes our talents, encourages those we work with to develop theirs, showcases the good in colleagues and clients, or is for the betterment of society is worthy of our efforts and will lead to fulfillment. If, on the other hand, our time is spent in self agrandizement, making $$$ at the expense of others without giving them an equal, fair exchange of goods for goods or goods for service, we're headed down the wrong fork in the road.

On a personal, marital level... this one is easy. If a person pursuades, invites and entices you to be all that you can be, they're good material for a mate. If not, your life will be spent shedding and drying way too many tears.

Anyway... for what it's worth. It has helped make a few of my gooseberry evenings delicious from center to circumference, top to bottom, clear to the core.

I am so stoked about another new beginning. I love second chances. January always seems so full of promise and another chance to do those things that I left undone.
As I've done in a few of your comment pages, let me make a toast...

clink! To the telling of our tales, to the making of marvelous memories, to the realization of dreams, and to kindness. Always and forever, first and foremost, to kindness.

Love to you all.


Sylvia K said...

My pie crusts weren't worth diddly, so I quickly started buying the shells in the frozen food section, my fillings were always pretty tasty. The main things about life for me is to enjoy, to love, to laugh, to give, not be afraid to cry, to have compassion and make the most of every minute of our lives, try to have as few regrets as possible. I think we pretty much see things the same way. Always enjoy your posts, always pleased when you visit mine. Happy New Year.

Great Grandma Lin said...

hey, this sound familiar-good stuff, did you blog about this last new years-will have to check it out. i want to see a photo of your burnt good advice P.I.E. I can remember that. Wayne isn't the most diplomatic of husbands is he or he would get more pies. My mom had a recipe for pie crust that never fails-made with an egg-do you want it. if so, email me.

Kay said...

I never really learned to cook until I got married. During the reception after our wedding, several people told me, "Did you know that Art's mom was the best cook on the Big Island?" "You're so lucky, your mother-in-law makes the best pies in Hawaii." "People come from all over the Big Island for Art's mom's pies." And on and on it went.

Well I'd never baked a pie before and the garbage disposal had a hard time crunching up my cake. But I tried.

36 years later, who bakes pies wonderfully?

Yup. Art! And that works for me!

Deborah Godin said...

Here Here! A wonderful new year full of promise and posibilities awaits! I used to make pretty decent pie crust once, but haven't done it for probably a couple of decades. Do you think it's like riding a bicycle?

Mare said...

Hey, Caryn, I'm with you in furthuring the kindness mode. How can we get it rolling better? Any ideas?

Jean said...

Another great post, Caryn, beautifully written. Yes, let us be kind to all.

Rambling Woods said...

What a wonderful post Caryn. There does seem to be a general lack of kindness in the world..from cutting in front of you on the road to running you down at the check-out line...Thank goodness we have people like you to remind us and to reinforce what we do with more kindness..Thank you for being you..

Pies...I have done them years ago. The crust was awful..

SandyCarlson said...

I enjoyed that post very much. I will remember the PIE approach Every time I unroll a Pillsbury crust and bake it a few before I add the pie, I will think of this wonderful post.

dellgirl said...

My my my, you certainly said a mouth full, and a wonderful mouth full it is indeed. This really made me stop and think, it also made me go...ummm. There are some truths here I learned along the way but had never given them this much indepth analysis.

Thanks. You really gave me something to think about.

Brenda @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Caryn, Just a quick note..... I'll come back for a real visit (need to work on my newsletter today).... but I read Cordell's blog..... let me ponder and pray.... I feel his pain, I know God does... and He knows yours, too m'dear!

Casting all your cares upon Him (Jesus) for He cares for YOU!... even these cares... the peace that passes all understanding will garrison and mount guard over your heart and mind..... I nnow it not just as a promise, but from experience, time after time after time..... cast...then rest in knowing that our Heavenly Daddy has His eye on little sparrows and little boys, all grown up!

Blessings and hugs....

Anonymous said...

January does always feel so wonderful, a new beginning once a year! Mmmm...I actually loooooove Krispy Kremes, but they are no longer sold in Houston anymore. They were banned! Some kind of legal dispute involving another doughnut company.