Monday, January 5, 2009

Auntie ME



I think one of the coolest things about getting older is that your inhibitions seem to fade. I mean, do I really need to worry about what a total stranger will think if I sing along with the music in a theater? Or if I giggle uncontrollably while tasting bread samples at a street festival with my best friend? (I'm talking being in danger of needing to be slapped out of mild hysteria, here) Or sitting in puddles in the park with my grandson? Or wearing a very large hat and a clown nose to a high priced restuarant with my sisters?

I intend to splash a lot of paint this year. And I have absolutely NO intention of being hungry when life has set such a feast before me. My brother used to think I was Auntie Mame. I am Auntie Me and I'm having fun in 2009. Lot's and lots of it.


Chandi said...

Count me in on some of that fun.

Linda Reeder said...

Wonderful! Auntie Me! Can I be that, too?

Sylvia K said...

Hey, I'm joining the group, okay? I'm ready for the fun! I'm no one's Auntie, but I think I'll adopt the name anyway! Go girl, we're right behind you!

Kay said...

And you, Caryn, are the best Auntie Me around.

Actually, one of the sayings I used to teach my 1st grade class was "Life is a banquet of consequences." It was my effort to teach responsibility.

I agree with you about age allowing us more freedom. I feel that. I also feel a bit more confident and not as intimidated as I would have been when I was younger. This is a very nice feeling.

Great Grandma Lin said...

well when are we going to dinner?

Kat Mortensen said...

When does it become all right to do it? I'm 47 - am I in the clear? I'm sure some people think I'm nuts some times.

I love Danny Kaye, by the way.


Jo, a retired teacher said...

I'm with you!

Brenda @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

So you giggle hysterically too?

My mom and two sisters, are well known in the family for giggling until we can hardly breathe. And sometimes at the most inopportune times, like when you're at the bottom end of a piece of furniture being moved down a flight of stairs.

Can we join the paint and joy ride!

SandyCarlson said...

Here's to you for leading the charge! Let's all get out there and paint.

I remember seeing Mame for the first time years ago and feeling so happy. She made perfect sense. "Most poor suckers are starving" because they refuse to eat is so true. We can love life for the fun it offers.

This is a snow day on which my daughter and I are going to do your kind of painting--literally and figuratively. (Her art teacher had the class drawing train tracks and nothing else as a lesson in perspective. I asked her where the train was supposed to be going. She said the teacher had no idea!)

Jean said...

I suspect you've known how to have fun all along, but this year you'll have even more of it. Also suspect you've given a lot of joy to others, and this year you'll give more of it.

Deborah Godin said...

I love this post! I've reclaimed a lot of that territory (the real me) lately too!

Rambling Woods said...

It's true...I was more reserved when I was younger...but I let it all go even though my daughter say's that I need to turn the 'filter' on once in a while...You go girlfriend!!!

Brenda @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Hi Caryn, Hope your day's gone well.

I wanted to let you know that I've given you an award, so please check out my post on my blog today. Here's to lemonade and joy!

Mare said...

I am definitely in!!Sounds like my regular state of being-a little unconventional, to be sure. Can I be Auntie Mare?

Unknown said...

I just love reading your blog! You are such a inspiration to me. I want to be like that now.

dellgirl said...

Hooray for you Caryn. Splash on splash on, I'm with you on that. What a great way to describe it, I like that. I'll join you and splash some myself this year, think I'll start with that cute little silly hat I bought and never wore.

Rinkly Rimes said...

It sounds as though you're wearing a Red Hat!I like the paint-splashing analogy.

SandyCarlson said...

Good morning!
Thanks for your comment on my "Watch Your Mouth" post, Caryn. Sure do appreciate your stopping by! God bless.

Unknown said...

Hey we need your help!!! We need to put our home on the market with a MLS# ??? I'm sure that means more to you then it does to me! Thad was suppose to call you about it like 3 days ago. So as his loving wife, I am sending you this little note since I don't have your number. Can you help us? You can write back or call... Well call Trina to get his number when you have a min. Love you!!!

SandyCarlson said...

Thanks for taking the time to comment on my "kids" post today. You touched my heart. I left a comment for you especially but also for the other good folks who stop by. It is this:

Thanks, friends, for stopping here with your own stories and insights. You have helped me tremendously.

After days like the one I described above, I often come home and log on just to touch base with your good and kind selves through your blogs. Often, that's how I start the day. You are a source of goodness and strength.

The Internet is a blessing; it has brought you my way. Thanks so much.