Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Now... THAT'S a Tulip!

My daughter bought some tulips a couple of years ago that knocked my socks off when I saw them growing in her yard. I searched the world over... okay, I exaggerate... I drove to CostCo to see if I could find any of the same bulbs. I found some that looked pretty close to what she had and gladly handed over the necessasry cash to make them mine. I took them home and planted them in one of my flower gardens. This spring, I couldn't wait to see what they were going to look like.
Voila! Here they are... I have never seen such enormous heads on a tulip. Mine are not as tall as hers, nor do I have the variety of colors that she does. But, I'm happy with what I have. Kinda cool, huh? I plan on making it a quest to find more and plant them EVERYWHERE I can find a spot at the Hollow.


Great Grandma Lin said...

you're back. I've missed your posts...checking daily for weeks on end to see if I would be pleasantly surprised and tonight I am. Lovely flowers-so happy spring came to your hollow. Enjoy every moment.

Rambling Woods said...

You are back...Those are really beautiful Caryn...
Michelle From Rambling Woods

Kay said...

Wow! That's humongous! Totally gorgeous! Glad to see you back, Caryn. We all missed you. I guess you've been busy planting.
I wish I could plant some tulips over here too, sigh.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

So you have Costco where you live too! Amazing they had a version of what you looked 'the world over'.

And those blossoms are amazing! Thanks for sharing the pleasure with us!

Chandi said...

Let's pinky swear. If I find more I'll buy you some and vice versa. I love them love them love them!!!!

Linda Reeder said...

That's a beauty. I can imagine them waving to you from all over the hollow!
Here in our wet winters we don't get much return from our tulips, and have to buy new bulbs each year. Lucky you if you can get them to come back.

Jo, a retired teacher said...

Very pretty! It wasn't until recently that I learned that tulips actually opened like that. I guess I am very flower-illiterate. In reality, I know hardly anything about plants at all. I learned about roses and lilacs because I adore their smells, but beyond that I'm pretty much a dummy.

I do admire and appreciate those with flower-smarts though. You are definitely one of those,

Carrie and Shane said...

Those are enormous! I can't wait to have a garden of my own. I think I'll need lessons from you and Trina. The photography and sentiments in your previous post are so beautiful and touching. We do come from an incredible family.

Deborah Godin said...

Amazing size, what are you feeding it!!??!!

Mare said...

Watching a bulb sleep through the winter and then push up thru the earth and bloom as beautiful as that...priceless!!

Anonymous said...

Wowzer! Those are gorgeous!

Susan said...

oh my goodness....not THOSE Tulips I would have to transplant. I am going to hope you get this I need the name of that tulip.

BUT can you also sing that song into a mic, through sound recorder which can be found on accessories in Windows, assuming you have a PC and not a MAC? Then save it and send the song to me. I need to sing that song.