Saturday, May 9, 2009

"By Their Fruits"...

So many pictures... I wonder why...

I just finished reading a post written by my niece. It was titled with a scriptural reference, "By their fruits ye shall know them", and in it she expressed the love she has for her family. Not just her parents and siblings... but for her extended family as well. For her children among them.

I've been thinking about her words for a while now. We really do have a remarkably good family. I'd use words like spectacular, phenomenal, magnificent... But, it occured to me that God created this entire world and everything in and around it... and the word He used to describe it was, "Good". And that is exactly what the members of the Stott clan are.

I've also been thinking about the title of her post. "By their fruits ye shall know them." Oh, how I hope that people, seeing my children, would believe that they were looking through a window into my soul. Nothing could speak better for me than the young men and the young woman they have become.

I need to say the same for Wayne's brothers and his sister. They have brought large quantities of sweetness and light into this world with the birth of every child. I love my nieces and nephews more than I can express. I love the memories invoked when I wander through old family albums. I love the stories we share when we gather together anywhere. I love the laughter and silliness that surrounds our table as we share the best home made food on the planet with one another, but most of all I love who they are as adults. I love their depth of character and the indelible love they have for one another. It's unquestioning, it's unshakable, it's forever and always and no matter what. I have a daughter and several nieces, and now and then a nephew, who have shared the details of their days with their hubbies and their little ones. The parenting baton has been passed, and I have no doubt that they will carry our family traditions and teachings to victory at the finish line. I so want to be known as a branch of the tree that bore such delicious and nourishing fruit.

I love tending my flower gardens. Wayne tends his vegetable garden and to his rooster and the brood of chicks. We had four beautiful children who have given us 6 beautiful grandchildren. Why so many pictures you wondered? Because this is my fruit.

If in fact, we shall be known by our fuits, then many of us have lived our lives well, indeed.

In my opinion, we are known as much for the company we keep as by the children we raise, and the parents who raised us. We have recently discussed the importance of face to face conversations. I have been one of the most vocal about how I worry that it may become a lost art. But, this form of communication has opened vistas I never dreamed of. My circle of teachers, mentors, friends, and on occasion... influence, has become so much wider than it would have been had I not made contact with you this way. And my life would have been so much less. It has more depth, a richness of color and thought has been added. Your comments are the fruits of your hearts and your souls, through them I have come to know you. You are the fruits of my planting a few thoughts, and I am ever so hopeful that I may be known by, and through you...


Kay said...

Oh Caryn, you are so amazing. This is a spectacular post. Your photos are atsolutely fabulous! I don't have enough adequate adjectives...sigh. The first thing that struck me is how gorgeous everybody is in your family. I know they're all kind and terrific people but they're also very strikingly beautiful. Wow! You are certainly blessed and so are they in having you around to love and care for them.

I do most certainly agree about our cyber family. It's wonderful to know we're all connected heart to heart in this way. I imagine we tell things to each other this way that we may not say in person to our other friends. Funny, isn't it?

Thank you for being part of my world, Caryn. Have a terrific Mother's Day because you deserve it.

SandyCarlson said...

Beautiful post. What beautiful faces in that glorious setting. It's nice to share your family album and experience the goodness. Nice to see a family together, too.

I think moving far from home is a devastating experience. My own family used to be centered around one home--my great-grandmother's. Over time, folks moved away for work, retirement, change. It was deadening to our family. There is no substitute for presence.

Jean said...

Your writing is so powerful, so heartfelt, so poetic, so deeply thought-provoking, Caryn. I love this post, but then, I love all your posts. Your family must love you to pieces, and obviously you love them. Your photos are incredible. I'm about to look through them all again. Thank you for sharing your life so beautifully with others.

Deborah Godin said...

Wonderful post, enjoyed your thoughts and photos. Have a happy day!

Jo, a retired teacher said...

Caryn, you have really touched me (and everyone) with this post. It is a wonderful testament to the true value of loving families.

You are a special lady.

Chandi said...

Many of these pisctures I have seen, but not all. The pictures around your place are just beautiful. I love the picture of the sunlight streaming through the tree. It is ethereal. Our family is good. Very Very Very Good! You are one of it's finest that is for sure. Yes Jean, her family does love her.

Great Grandma Lin said...

loved by family and friends-the fruit of her life's labors. caryn makes us all feel like family. wonderful photos and a lyrical reflection through words also of a life well lived. thanks for including us and i have to agree i love face to face conversations but when you can't see each other-virtual or digital will do...happy mother-grandmother-aunt, daughter and woman's day to you and all.

The Keel Gang said...

You are so incredibly blessed by things that are needed from God & from the world. Thanks for sharing your treasures with us.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Wow, Caryn, You gave us a wonderful post with all the photos and your beautiful thoughts about your family!

When I have a few minutes to truly savour, I want to come back and really look and read it all again.

I'm so glad our blogging paths crossed! You are a joy in my life, to be sure!

Jade said...

Oh what a beautiful post! Yes, you should be so proud of what has become of your children. 4 people in my life I look up to tremendously. I love them so much and I love you so much. I wish everyone could have an Aunt Caryn in their life. I am so blessed to have you as part my life and to be apart of the Stott family. Thanks again for the post and the reminder of how blessed I am. I hope I get to see you this summer!

Linda Reeder said...

I would be honored to be someone you would be known through.

Mare said...

You don't have enough hours in the day to count your blessings. And this is surely a reflection of you and your family. God bless a, Caryn.
Your photos need no captions. They speak for themselves.
And I love being included in your cyber family!!

Unknown said...

How did we get so blessed! The Stott family is so amazing! I do not know how I got so blessed to become one of them but I am truly grateful. I think of my life before and how different it is now because of the family I chose to become a part of. "By the fruits, ye shall know them" Anyone who knows the Stott families know what amazing people they are.