Thursday, April 16, 2009

Posies in My Heart

Anybody else out there itchin to get out in the dirt and plant a few bulbs, weed a garden, dig a furrow for snap peas? I can't wait one minute longer for this blasted snow to exit stage left and let apple blossoms and hyacinths take their turn center stage. I got so antsy that I dug out every silk flower I could find and stuffed them in every corner of my house. They're displayed on my loft, in vases, and on top of my kitchen cupboards. If mother nature won't let them dazzle me outside, I'll produce and direct my own flower show inside.

It's a poor substitute to be sure, not as good as posies in the garden... but, it does help keep the winter doldrums at bay. Flowers make me smile.

Speaking of smiles... have you all seen the incredible video of the 47 year old woman from Scoltand who made Simon Cowel's jaw drop on British Idol? I was smiling and laughing and crying. What a remarkable, uplilfting story she has become. I'd love to have that video piped into my home and play it over and over many times each day. Her voice is powerful, that's for certain. But, her spirit even more so. She is a gift to all of us who flounder in fear and self doubt. Those of us who have allowed ourselves to think "It's too late", or "Life has too many other plans for me", or "Who's ever going to notice anything I do?" There is just no reason for any of us not to follow our dreams, not to become whatever it is that we want to be or develop and showcase any talents we may be blessed with. She brought spring posies to my heart... and somehow, a spring to my step.

She may even be better than posies in the garden.


Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Oh, Caryn, I'm soooo glad I didn't miss your posting today. I'm just getting ready to shut down, as I have a busy day tomorrow (see my own post for today).

But I was so delighted to watch that lady's debut on British Idol. We saw it on the news! And I agree, she is an amazing gift to us all! (BTW, thanks for saying her name here, as I'd missed it before).

Thanks so much for digging out all your other flowers -- I love how you filled your home with their joy and fun! Soon and very soon now... things will be popping out all over the place.

Cheerily, Brenda

Kay said...

Caryn, you are absolutely right! Susan Boyle was fantastic. I've listened to that video many, many times and can't seem to tire of it. You're right, we're moved by her spirit as much as by her voice.

I love your floral idea. They look beautiful in your home. I love how nothing seems to get you down. You always focus on the positive. I wish you were my neighbor.

Great Grandma Lin said...

well here I am at 2am and can't sleep when I discover my favorite blogger has posted again after a long winter's nap. lovely idea to put blossoms all over your home to hasten winter's exit. I can feel you waiting for spring and flowers. good ideas. so happy you are sculpting again. you are one talented woman in many areas. love ya-Lin

Jean said...

Love the posies all over your home! I feel your desperation for spring and flowers. Me, I'm all excited about ordering worms for my compost bin. Life doesn't get much more exciting than this, if you ask me.

And yes, the Scottish singer is amazing and inspirational. I hope her talent carries her far.

The Keel Gang said...

Your posts are so incredible everytime! They hit just the right spot. There's nothing like making your own happiness, when things around you are missing their cue. I stumbled across that video of Susan, the 47 year old jaw dropping singer & it was fantastic! It brought tears to my eyes also!! Thanks for bringing a little spring into our step!

Mare said...

That was fun!! I think I'm going to have to bust out my silk flowers!!
Always good to see a post from you!

Jo, a retired teacher said...

You do have a way of brightening one's day.

I hope your snow exits soon so you can do what you want to do outside. Inside looks pretty cheery now.

Carrie and Shane said...

Wow, that is a lot of silk flowers, but they look GORGEOUS on the floor of the banister like that. I would have never thought to do that. Thanks for the pics. You should do more.

Chandi said...

I second, and third, and fourth that...........and so on and so on. About the British singer. She was fantastic, and I loved watching the whole audience do a big collective "What the heck?"

Deborah Godin said...

Lovely posies (and I have a thing for pitchers, too!). Flowers can't come soon enough here either!

dellgirl said...

What a beautiful job you did arranging the flowers, they look great! I love flowers too, they can certainly perk up a room.

I loved hearing Susan sing...she had chills running up and down my spine! I found it especially amusing seeing Simon's "dumbfoundedness" (made up word). His expression was...priceless. I think he learned something profound..."you can't judge a book by looking at the cover".

Gutsy Living said...

First of all your silk flowers are amazing. You must have a ton of them. Do you keep them in a large bag so the dust doesn't get on them?
Secondly, we are all in love with Susan Boyle. Thanks for your nice long comment on my blog about changes in society's expectations.

SandyCarlson said...

I love what you have written. I think anybody who can silence Cowell is an angel direct from heaven.

Anonymous said...

I missed that! I'm going to look it up on youtube now.

Unknown said...

I love that British woman too! She's the best huh? Oh, I hope for you and Trina's sake that the snow melts fast this Spring. I know you both are dying to get your hands in some dirt and plant anything at this point! Your house looks lovely! What a great idea!

Anonymous said...

Your flower arrangements are beautiful.

I love Susan Boyle also. It does bother me that the judges and the audience were rolling their eyes when she first walked out. I'm glad she has a tremendous voice, but even if she didn't, I think she should have been treated with respect.

SandyCarlson said...

I came across the woman who put paid to Simon's mouth and was very impressed. Thrills my heart.

Your flowers look lovely. Spring is playing hard to get up here, so I am happy to see anything that suggests spring!

Linda Reeder said...

Susan Boyle is amazing, and so is your house full of flowers.

Rambling Woods said...

Susan was amazing and she presents such a great lesson to those smug people on that show. I love all your flowers and I can't wait to get out to the deck...

Jaclyn B. said...

The producer of the dazzeling flower show ought to take a bow. I'd love to have a show like that in my home!

Sandy said...

Caryn what beautiful arrangements. It's the end of the month as I write this comment, I hope by now you have had a few beautiful days to enjoy.

I've been outside a lot now that jury duty is over; longer trial than I thought it would be. I'm tending to my garden along with trees in the forest. The weather's been hot, but today is just perfect.

Be sure to show us some of your posies!

Susan said...

your home is or real....all the same. loved imagining being with you

kissti17 said...


What fascinating photography work you have! I suppose it mustn't be too terribly difficult with such beautiful subjects at your whim, but the way you've captured them is absolutely timeless! And what an enchanting little cottage garden. I'll bet the most deliriously blissful fairy lovers must reside there. :)

Love you!

your Kristi girl